1,316 research outputs found

    Game Theory in Roger Michell’s Enduring Love

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    Roger Michell’s movie Enduring Love is adapted from Ian McEwan’s novel of the same title. The character motivated and plot motivated mystery draws an interesting and unsettling portrayal of an urban English couple reestablishing their relationship in the aftermath of a disastrous event. This humorous, romantic and intensifying drama depicts variable study of character and a murky fictional tale about friendship, obsession and love. This research article is an attempt to study Roger Michell’s Enduring Love in perspective of game theory. This also explains the post modernity in Ian McEwans’s Enduring Love and the rationality in Roger Michell’s film. The postmodern idea of Enduring Love is that no kind of knowledge has a privileged access to reality and its explanation. It also explains the idea of Game Theory as a whole from different perspectives. Game Theory is one approach to helping one uncover the rules of complex social systems. It shows that complex social systems can be understood as a game, meaning they have rules. ‘Game Theory and Enduring Love’, game is being played by the main character Joe to deal with a stalker and to safeguard his love life


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    The Burkhan Khaldun Mountains (Mongolia) and its surrounding sacred landscape are associated with Genghis Khan’s birth and burial place as described in “The Secret History of the Mongols”. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on 4 July 2015 under the title «Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain and its surrounding sacred landscape.”This study offered a great opportunity to apply the recently developed post-IR infrared luminescence (pIRIR) approach to feldspar using coarse and polymineral fine grain techniques and determine the manufacturing date of a brick sample associated with the ruins of the Buddhist temple at the Burkhan Khaldun Mountains. Furthermore, the mineralogical composition of different blue-grey colored bricks from various temple buildings such as the Buddhist temples in Karakorum, Dugan in Erdene Zuu and Avargyn Balgas were studied. The original place and date of manufacturing of the bricks was revealed using the pIRIR180 and pIRIR240 from coarse and fine grains from a heated feldspar sample and were 1280±40 AD and 1230±50 AD, correspondingly, which falls into the time period of extensive constructions in Karakorum

    The Demeanor of Nature in O. V. Vijayan’s The Legends of Khasak

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    The Legends of Khasak is one of the famous and artistic works of renowned writer Ottupulackal Velukkuty Vijayan, commonly known as O. V. Vijayan, was a novelist and cartoonist, who was one of the most important figures in modern Malayalam literature. He is best known for his first novel Khasakkinte Ithihasam (1969), he was the author of six novels, nine short-story collections, and nine collections of essays, memoirs and reflections. The plot is set in the backwaters of Kerala, in the half of the twentieth century. Critics in Malayalam have been unanimous in their praise of Vijayan's uses of language. Never before, or after, has any writer, they aver, experimented the poetic dimensions of prose with such telling effect. In Khasakkinte Ithihasaam, Vijayan is able to present Khasak as a mythical place of primordial Purity by making use of a strange mixture of Tamil and Malayalam. While Raviand Madhavan Nair speaks pristine Malayalam, the natives use a crude mixture of Malayalam and Tamil. This is reinforced with powerful images and metaphors. Ravi is the protagonist of this novel and he comes to the village of Khasak in Palakkad region as a single school teacher. Ravi is a great visionary in astrophysics who finished his post graduation in Physics from a very famous college at Tambaram. Palakkad District Board has established a single teacher school in the village Khasak for the local children as an effort to give them basic education. Ravi is from a different place and he is to be the first teacher in that village. Khasak is both wondrous and a magical place. Ravi is not only a dominant central figure in this novel. The Legends of Khasak, Vijayan's first novel, appeared in 1969 and it took twelve years' writing and rewriting to reach its final form. It leads to a great literary revolution and cleaved the history of Malayalam fiction into Pre-Khasak and Post-Khasak eras. The novel ends when protagonist begins his journey to some other realms of existence. It was a kind of stepping stone for the writer Vijayan to that world and marked the alight of a truly visionary writer in Malayalam Literature

    Dynamic Response of an Actual Hammer Foundation

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    During the operation of Hammers and other shock producing machines, strong dynamic effects are generated which depend on the interaction between the different elements of the system. A simple two-degree of freedom system comprising of mass and spring, may offer reasonable result. Better result may be obtained by Wave Equation approach. This paper compares these two numerical schemes with the observed behavior of one Belt-drop stamping hammer

    Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing Resting on Reinforced Earth Bed

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    With an increase in demand for construction the use of poor soils becomes imperative. Soil bearing capacity and settlement play an important role in the design of foundations. Seismicity of the site is another important parameter in the design of the foundation for a structure. Hence seismic bearing capacity of soil becomes an important component in the design. In weak soils often deep foundations are recommended on account of the low soil bearing capacity available. In poor soils, ground improvement techniques are commonly used to improve the soil bearing capacity. Reinforcing earth with geo synthetic is one such technique adopted in practice. This is preferred due to its cost effectiveness as in most of the engineering projects economy plays an important role. If the weak soil is improved by using geo synthetic, then it becomes feasible to use shallow foundations instead of deep foundations for the same structure, thus effecting economy. Shallow foundations still remain the most used foundation type in construction due to its economy and ease in construction. In this paper an attempt has been made to develop an analytical approach to obtain the seismic bearing capacity of a strip footing resting on reinforced earth. The approach is based on the analysis proposed by Binquet and Lee (1975b) for a strip footing subjected to static load. Both vertical and horizontal accelerations have been considered in terms of seismic coefficients, αh and αv. Results have been presented in the form of non - dimensional charts from which seismic bearing capacity can be obtained, conveniently. Both rupture strength and frictional resistance criteria, have been taken into account in preparing these charts. Charts incorporate horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient, αh = 0.0 and 0.10. The value of vertical seismic acceleration coefficient, αv, is taken as 2/3αh. An illustrative example has been included for a lucid understanding


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    We investigated the potential of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) method to date young (<1000 years) samples collected in the Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape, Mongolia. Quartz showed an infrared signal; therefore the post-IR OSL method was applied to small aliquots which are considered proxies for single grain measurements. Statistical analysis of the dose distribution produced CAM De of 5.14±0.10 Gy and over dispersion of 47.5%, and MAM De of 3.7±0.6 Gy. Since no partial bleaching was suspected, the analysis of signal composition was done and the fast quartz post-IR OSL lead to De of 4.9±0.2 Gy. Based on the quartz fast component and CAM De we propose the new chronology of ancient construction at 785±80 AD, rather than 906-1125 AD as suggested by archaeological evidence. However, the MAM age is in good agreement with independent age control for construction of the ramparts suggesting the date of reconstruction, collapse or reuse for the square walled enclosure MOR3 during 1090±80AD

    Особенности учета расходов и доходов, и их влияние на финансовый результат деятельности субъекта хозяйствования

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    Основная цель статьи - раскрыть специфику отражения на счетах бухгалтерского учета расходов, доходов и определить их влияние на формирование финансового результата от операционной, финансовой или инвестиционной деятельности.Основна мета статті - розкрити специфіку віддзеркалення на рахунках бухгалтерського обліку витрат, доходів і визначити їх вплив на формування фінансового результату від операційної, фінансової або інвестиційної діяльності

    Study on flame retardant properties of poly(lactic acid) fibre fabrics

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    Polylactic acid  and its blended yarns with various fibres have been converted in to woven fabrics. These fabric samples have been scoured and then tested for mechanical and flame retardant properties. The results indicate that the high alkaline scouring severely damages polylactic acid fibre. Therefore, mild alkaline scouring is done for further studies. The scoured fabric samples are tested for various flame retardant properties and compared with polyester blended fabrics. Results indicate that polylactic acid fibre is not suitable for upholstery, apparel and work wear in terms of flame retardant properties